Thyme 100% Natural Essential Oil 15ml
Thyme100% Thyme(Thymus Satureioides) Gentle, Compassionate, Grounding • Plant-friendly methods, chemical-free pest controls, and fertilizers.
Tea Tree
100% Tea Tree
(Melaleuca alternifolia)
Fresh, Cleansing and Rejuvenating.
• Plant-friendly methods, chemical-free pest controls, and fertilizers.
• Strict quality control systems to ensure each bottle is pure, fresh, and traceable.
• All SERENE HOUSE 100% NATURAL ESSENTIAL OILS are produced worldwide
• We are dedicated to fair trade practices and improving farmers’ lives.
• 100% pure and natural to the last drop.
※No Animal Testing
* Bottled in USA * Glass bottle & Caps from Germany * Temper Seal * Child Proof Cap